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PIT BOSS - 820, 1000 & Austin XL series & more - STAINLESS STEEL


 Product Description

Stainless Steel Downdraft for PIT BOSS 820 series, 1000 series and Austin XL

Pit Boss 1000 Traditions, 1000SC, 820, 820 Deluxe, 820 Traditions, 820FB, 820FBC, 820SC & Austin XL

                              There are so many models & re-branding that I cannot list ALL of them


HIGHLY recommend removal of Shelf Bracket on Chimney wall side, it blocks <50% of the air flow in the Downdraft.  You can cut a slit in the side of the Downdraft to fit over the bracket if desired.

Downdraft Modification:

holds more Smoke & Heat in the chamber

- helps reduce pellet consumption

- helps even temperatures across the grill

- Quicker Start Up to Temperature


Easy 5-minute installation (instructions & mounting hardware included), less the bracket removal


Comes with (2) Stainless Steel hex head cap screws, Stainless Steel washers and Stainless Steel nuts


No permanent modification to the grill for the Downdraft, other than the bracket mentioned

Easy to remove for cleaning

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 Product Reviews

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  1. GET THIS!!! 5 Star Review

    Posted by on Apr 23rd 2021

    This is my second Downdraft. I have it on both my grills. I LOVE THEM. They definitely act as described! I do see a better smoke distribution and a reduction in pellet usage.

  2. down draft system 4 Star Review

    Posted by on Dec 12th 2017

    I bought the downdraft and was excited to get it and try it only to find out it didn't fit my 820 because of a top shelf bracket. So I luckily had a grinder and cut off wheel and once removed the down draft was a piece of cake to install. Seems to do exactly what it was designed for. Not near as bad temp swings and plenty of smoke. Nice thinking Don Godke.

    Please Read the Highlighted Notes on the Product Description, before purchasing.


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